Big welcome and few words about Blooming Yarns by KW and who is this KW

Big welcome and few words about Blooming Yarns by KW and who is this KW

First of all Thank you 😘

Thank you for being here, for your time and  your interest

This shop is like my dreams come true

I'm a simple girl ;) originally from Poland but nearly 13 years ago came to England and stayed here. I've got home here and I'm trying to transform my hobby (crochet, knitting and love to the yarns) for small business.

Luckly I met few people who shared their own time and passion with me and I could start this whole THING. Huge "thank you" to Anna and my husband R

Few years ago as a staying at home mum I started crocheting. And I was lost in this yarn, craft world. I always loved to learn and tried new things. That's why I have few different products for you.  I hope you will find something for yourself. 

I would love to hear from you. Ideas, rewiews, anything will be much appreciated 😊

Thank you for being here

KW (Kasia Wielogorska) 




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